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Pet Information

Desert Veterinary Clinic Blog

The team at Desert Veterinary Clinic has written blogs for you to learn new information to improve your pet’s quality of life!

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Desert Veterinary Clinic Blog

We love educating our clients; we have curated and shared posts with helpful information regarding pet care.

Tips for Helping Your Pets Adjust to Back-to-School Season

Tips for Helping Your Pets Adjust to Back-to-School Season

Tips for Helping Your Pets Adjust to Back-to-School Season The start of the school year can disrupt our pets' lives. As families get back into regular routines, our furry friends may feel anxious, stressed, or bored. But with some easy techniques and extra attention,...

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Stay Safe in the Summer Heat: Implement These 5 Tips

Stay Safe in the Summer Heat: Implement These 5 Tips

Stay Safe in the Summer Heat: Implement These 5 Tips The summer season presents an ideal chance to relish the great outdoors alongside your beloved furry companions. Be it playing fetch in the park, embarking on scenic hikes, or simply basking in your backyard,...

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Ensuring Your Pet’s Hydration in the Summer Heat

Ensuring Your Pet’s Hydration in the Summer Heat

Ensuring Your Pet's Hydration in the Summer Heat As we near the summer months, pet owners need to be vigilant in ensuring their furry companions stay well-hydrated. The warmer weather brings serious concerns like heat exhaustion and dehydration, which can lead to...

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Ensuring Safe Swim Sessions for Your Pet

Ensuring Safe Swim Sessions for Your Pet

Ensuring Safe Swim Sessions for Your Pet Beat the Heat Safely: Five Tips for Swimming with Your Beloved Pet As the summer temperatures soar, you and your furry companion may be eager to beat the heat with a refreshing swim. However, not all dogs or pets are born with...

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Knowing When to Seek Emergency Care for a Limping Pet

Knowing When to Seek Emergency Care for a Limping Pet

Knowing When to Seek Emergency Care for a Limping Pet Recognizing the Need for Emergency Care When Your Pet is Limping In most cases, your pet's limping can wait until the next day for veterinary care. However, there are certain circumstances where immediate action is...

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Everything You Need to Know About Canine Heartworm Disease

Everything You Need to Know About Canine Heartworm Disease

Everything You Need to Know About Canine Heartworm Disease Heartworms are a type of roundworm that live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels around affected animals. Heartworm illness is a potentially fatal ailment that is brought on by heartworms. Despite being...

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Defend Your Pet Against Lyme Disease

Defend Your Pet Against Lyme Disease

Defend Your Pet Against Lyme Disease Slow-moving parasites awaken as the frigid winter weather eventually disappears and is replaced by the warm spring weather. Because of this, April is the ideal month to observe Lyme Disease Prevention in Dogs Month. Take steps to...

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